readline keyboard

emacs mode (default)

Esc +
Esc +
emacs mode: numeric row shift meta +~ username expand +! cmd expand +@ hostname expand +# prefix comment +$ variable expand +% +^ history expand +& tilde expand +* complete all +( +) +_ »+. ++
emacs mode: numeric row meta +` +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8 +9 +0 +- += »+?
emacs mode: numeric row ctrl ^@ set mark ^^ ^_ undo
emacs ctrl-x bindings: numeric row shift x̂~ x̂! x̂@ x̂# x̂$ x̂% x̂^ x̂& x̂* x̂( start macro x̂) end macro x̂_ x̂+
emacs ctrl-x bindings: numeric row x̂` x̂1 x̂2 x̂3 x̂4 x̂5 x̂6 x̂7 x̂8 x̂9 x̂0 x̂- x̂=
emacs ctrl-x bindings: numeric row ctrl ^@ ^^ ^_
emacs mode: top row shift meta +Q +W +E +R +T +Y +U +I +O +P +{ +}
emacs mode: top row meta +q +w +e +r full undo +t move word forward +y rotate yank +u upcase word +i +o +p rev match history +[ +]
emacs mode: top row ctrl ^q »^v ^w delete word ^e end of line ^r reverse history ^t move char forward ^y yank top ^u delete till bol autocomplete ^o enter and next ^p history back meta ^ find char
emacs ctrl-x bindings: top row shift x̂Q x̂W x̂E x̂R x̂T x̂Y x̂U x̂I x̂O x̂P x̂{ x̂}
emacs ctrl-x bindings: top row x̂q x̂w x̂e run macro x̂r x̂t x̂y x̂u x̂i x̂o x̂p x̂[ x̂]
emacs ctrl-x bindings: top row ctrl ^q ^w ^e editor ^r reload inputrc ^t ^y ^u »^_ ^o ^p ^]
emacs mode: home row shift meta +A +S +D +F +G +H +J +K +L +: +" +|
emacs mode: home row meta +a +s +d delete word remainder +f word forward +g +h +j +k +l lowcase word +; +' +\ delete whitespace
emacs mode: home row ctrl ^a begin of line ^s search history ^d delete char ^f char forward ^g abort cmd, bell backspace ^j »^m ^k delete till eol ^l clear screen ^\
emacs ctrl-x bindings: home row shift x̂A x̂S x̂D x̂F x̂G x̂H x̂J x̂K x̂L x̂: x̂" x̂|
emacs ctrl-x bindings: home row x̂a x̂s x̂d x̂f x̂g x̂h x̂j x̂k x̂l x̂; x̂' x̂\
emacs ctrl-x bindings: home row ctrl ^a ^s ^d ^f ^g »^g »^u ^j ^k ^l ^\
emacs mode: bottom row shift meta +Z +X +C +V +B +N +M +< history start +> history end +? list completions
emacs mode: bottom row meta +z +x +c capitalise word +v +b word backwards +n match history +m +, +. insert last +/ filename expand
emacs mode: bottom row ctrl ^z background ^ extended ^c cancel command ^v verbatim char ^b char backwards ^n history next enter line »^h
emacs ctrl-x bindings: bottom row shift x̂Z x̂X x̂C x̂V x̂B x̂N x̂M x̂< x̂> x̂?
emacs ctrl-x bindings: bottom row x̂z x̂x x̂c x̂v x̂b x̂n x̂m x̂, x̂. x̂/
emacs ctrl-x bindings: bottom row ctrl ^z ^x swap cursor ^c ^v shell version ^b ^n »^x^h

Info command: shows/does something without altering anything.
Move the cursor.
Replace contents involving kill ring, undo, or command history.
Alter current text (filtering or completion).
Remove text.
Miscellaneous commands.
Additional key functionality (click to view).
Commands with a dot need a char argument afterwards.
Unavailable before readline version 2.1 (1997).
Default assignment in Bash shells, but not common readline.