Less keyboard

normal pager (default)

Esc alt/meta
Esc noop
Esc noop
Esc noop
normal pager: numeric row shift ~ ! shell command @ # $ % »p ^ filter matches * ( closing ) show option + initial cmd
normal pager: numeric row ` 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 toggle option = file name
flag identifiers: numeric row shift ~ outside tildes toggle ! @ col shift $ % ^ & * ( ) _ reset option
flag identifiers: numeric row ` 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 option name =
colon commands: numeric row shift ~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ +
colon commands: numeric row ` 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 - =
escape keys (hold meta/alt): numeric row shift ~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( scroll left ) scroll right _ +
escape keys (hold meta/alt): numeric row ` 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 - =
normal pager: top row shift Q »q W E R refresh T prev tag Y U I O P { }
normal pager: top row q quit w page up and set window e »j r redraw t next tag y »k u scroll up i o p reset position [ ]
flag identifiers: top row shift Q no warn bell W hilight forward E exit at eof R ansi chars tags file Y U escape \t \b \r I ignore case log overwrite status line { }
flag identifiers: top row q no info bell w hilight page down e exit after eof r raw chars find tag scroll limit fwd u parse \b \r i ignore lowercase stdin to log initial search [ ]
colon commands: top row shift Q »:q W E R T Y U I O P { }
colon commands: top row q »q w e open file r t y u i o p prev file [ ]
escape keys (hold meta/alt): top row shift Q W E R T Y U I O P { }
escape keys (hold meta/alt): top row q w e r t y u mark search i o p [ ]
normal pager: home row shift A S D F follow G last line H »h J K L command " pipe till mark
normal pager: home row a save to file d scroll down f page down g (first) line h help jkl ; goto mark \
flag identifiers: home row shift A S no line wrap dos colours F exit if 1 page G H J status column K L ignore lessopen filter : shell quotes |
flag identifiers: home row a advance find page s squeeze blank lines d dumb terminal f force open g hilight last match scroll back limit top offset key bindings l ; ' \
colon commands: home row shift A S D F G H J K L : " |
colon commands: home row a s d drop file f »= g h j k l ; ' \
escape keys (hold meta/alt): home row shift A S D F G H J K L : " |
escape keys (hold meta/alt): home row a s d f g h j k l ; ' \
normal pager: bottom row shift Z X C V version B N prev find M < »g > »G find rev.
normal pager: bottom row z set page down x c v edit b page up n next find mark position , . find
flag identifiers: bottom row shift Z X no termcap init C V »V B static buffer for pipes N show line numbers M long prompt toggle < > ?
flag identifiers: bottom row page size tab stops c clear on scroll v buffer space n count line numbers m med. prompt toggle , . /
colon commands: bottom row shift Z X C V B N M < > ?
colon commands: bottom row z x first file c v b n next file m , . /
escape keys (hold meta/alt): bottom row shift Z X C V B N any prev find M < »g > »G ?
escape keys (hold meta/alt): bottom row z x c v »b b n any next find m , . /

Temporary message display (or related option).
Regular file position panning (or option).
Other file position manipulation (").
Go to matching content (").
Alter open file buffer (").
Other commands and options.
Commands with a dot need a char argument afterwards.
A small subset is compatible with `more`.