my $mode = exists $get{compare};
my @tablist = split m{/+}, $Request || 'default';
title => 'charset cheat sheet',
version => '1.4',
canonical => "/charset/$Request" . ($mode && '?compare'),
description => [
"Reference sheet with all glyphs in common character encoding tables,",
"and an overview of Unicode ranges and UTF-8 bytes.",
keywords => [qw'
charset codepage unicode ascii utf8 latin glyph character encoding
reference common overview table
data => [qw(
charset.inc.pl charset-encoding.inc.pl
charset-unicode.inc.pl charset-ucplanes.inc.pl charset-utf8.inc.pl
use List::Util qw( first pairmap pairfirst pairs );
<h1>Character encodings</h1>
if ($tablist[0] eq 'unicode') {
say "Detailed allocation of Unicode blocks.";
print "See ", showlink("charsets", '/charset'), " to compare specific encodings";
else {
if ($tablist[0] eq 'default') {
say "Overview of Unicode ", showlink("allocation", '/charset/unicode');
say "and common latin code pages.";
say "Compare alternate charsets:";
else {
say "Charset comparison:";
print join " •\n", (
map {
join " ·\n", pairmap {
showlink($b || ucfirst $a, '/charset'.($a && "/$a?compare"), $a eq $Request);
} @{$_}
iso => 'ISO',
win => 'Windows',
dos => 'DOS',
mac => 'Apple',
ebcdic => 'EBCDIC',
legacy => 'legacy',
symbols => 'symbols',
$tablist[0] eq 'default' ? () : ('' => 'common'),
westeur => 'West',
centeur => 'Central',
norteur => 'North European',
turkish => 0,
greek => 0,
cyrillic => 0,
hebrew => 0,
use POSIX qw( ceil );
use Shiar_Sheet::FormatChar;
my $glyphs = Shiar_Sheet::FormatChar->new;
my @request;
my $charsets = Data('charset');
sub tabinput {
my $input = shift or return;
my $params = $input =~ s/[+](.*)\z// ? $1 : undef;
my $charset = $charsets->{lc $input} || {};
if (ref $charset ne 'HASH') {
$params and Alert("Parameters ignored for $input",
"Cannot apply <q>$params</q> to multiple charsets.",
tabinput($_) for ref $charset ? @{$charset} : $charset;
state $visible = {'' => 1};
my %row = (offset => 0, cols => 16);
$row{$_} = $charset->{$_} for qw( note table );
if (not defined $params) {
my @parents = @{ $charset->{inherit} || [] };
if (my ($parent, $part) = pairfirst { defined $visible->{$a} } @parents) {
$row{parent} = $parent;
$params = $part;
$params = 80 unless $visible->{$parent}
or ($input eq 'MacCroatian' and defined $visible->{MacRomanian});
elsif (defined $visible->{ascii}) {
$row{parent} = $parents[0];
$params = $parents[1] // 80;
$params = 80 if hex $params >= 0x80;
elsif (@parents) {
$row{parent} = $parents[0];
$params = $parents[1] if $parents[1] =~ /^0+-/;
$visible->{$_} //= 0 for $row{parent} || ();
for my $param (split /[+]+/, $params // '') {
if ($param eq 'realsize') {
elsif ($param =~ m{ \A cols = (\d+) \z }x) {
$row{cols} = $1;
elsif ($param =~ m{ \A (?<start> \p{AHex}+) (?: [-] (?<end> \p{AHex}+) )? \z }x) {
if (defined $row{endpoint}) {
my $skip = int(($row{endpoint} || $row{startpoint}) / $row{cols});
for ($skip + 1 .. (hex($+{start}) / $row{cols}) - 1) {
$row{skip}->{ $_ * $row{cols} }++;
else {
$row{startpoint} = hex $+{start};
$row{endpoint} = hex($+{end} || 0);
else {
Alert("Unknown option <q>$param</q> for charset $input");
if ($charset->{setup}) {
eval { $charset->{setup}->(\%row) }
or Alert("Incomplete setup of $input", $@);
$row{endpoint} ||= 0xFF;
if (defined $row{table} or defined $row{cell}) {
$row{set} //= $input;
elsif ($row{set} = Encode::resolve_alias($charset->{set} // $input)) {
$row{offset} = delete $row{startpoint};
if ($charset->{varchar}) {
$row{table} = [
map { Encode::decode($row{set}, pack 'C*', $_) } $row{offset} .. $row{endpoint}
else {
$row{table} = Encode::decode($row{set}, pack 'C*', $row{offset} .. $row{endpoint});
$row{endpoint} -= $row{offset};
$row{set} = $input if $charset->{set};
else {
Alert("Encoding <q>$input</q> unknown");
if (my $replace = $charset->{replace}) {
while (my ($offset, $sub) = each %{$replace}) {
$offset -= $row{offset};
if (ref $row{table} eq 'ARRAY') {
$row{table}->[$offset] = $sub
if $offset >= 0 and $offset <= $row{endpoint};
my $length = length $sub;
if ($offset < 0) {
$offset > -$length or next;
substr($sub, 0, -$offset) = '';
$length += $offset;
$offset = 0;
if ((my $excess = $row{endpoint} - $offset - $length + 1) < 0) {
$excess > -$length or next;
substr($sub, $excess) = '';
$length += $excess;
substr($row{table}, $offset, $length) = $sub;
push @request, \%row;
$visible->{ $row{set} } = 1 if $row{table};
tabinput($_) for @tablist;
my $NOCHAR = chr 0xFFFD;
sub range_cell {
my ($info, $offset) = @_;
my $table = $info->{cell} or return;
my $def = $table->{$offset} or return;
my ($len, $class, $name, $title) = @{$def};
my $cols = $info->{cols};
my $colsize = $table->{colsize} || 1;
my $attr = '';
$len /= $colsize;
$name //= $len <= 2 ? 'res' : 'reserved';
if (my $part = ($offset/$colsize - $info->{startpoint}) % $cols) {
my $rest = $cols - $part;
$rest = $len if $len < $rest; TODO
if ($len -= $rest) {
my @next = ($len * $colsize, "$class joinu");
my $separate = $cols - $len > $rest;
if ($len > $rest) {
push @next, $name, $title;
$title ||= $name;
$name = $separate && '…';
else {
push @next, $separate && '"', $title || $name;
$table->{$offset + $colsize*$rest} //= \@next;
$class .= ' joind';
$len = $rest;
elsif (my $rows = int($len / $cols)) {
my $rowsize = $colsize * $cols;
if ($len -= $rows * $cols) {
$table->{$offset + $rowsize * $rows} //= [$len*$colsize, "$class joinu", '', $title];
$class .= ' joind';
unless ($info->{realsize}) {
while ($rows > 3) {
$info->{skip}->{$offset += $rowsize}++;
if ($rows > 2) {
$info->{skip}->{$offset += $rowsize} = 0;
$attr .= sprintf ' rowspan=%d', $rows;
$len = $cols;
$attr .= sprintf ' colspan=%d', $len unless $len == 1;
$attr .= $1 if $class and $class =~ s/( \w+="[^"]*")//;
$attr .= sprintf ' class="%s"', $class if $class;
$attr .= sprintf ' title="%s"', EscapeHTML($title) if $title;
return "<td$attr>$name\n";
for my $row (@request) {
my $cols = $row->{cols};
my $colsize = $row->{cell} && $row->{cell}->{colsize} || 1;
my $coldigits = ceil(log($colsize * $cols) / log(16));
my $rowdiv = 16 ** $coldigits;
$rowdiv = 1 if $rowdiv != $cols * $colsize;
my $offset = $row->{startpoint} * $colsize || 0;
printf '<div class="section"><table class="glyphs%s">', !$row->{cell} && ' charmap';
my $title = $row->{set};
$title .= " <aside>(over $_)</aside>" for $row->{parent} || ();
$title .= " <aside>($_)</aside>" for $row->{note} || ();
printf '<caption>%s</caption>', $title;
print '<col>' x ($cols + 1);
for my $section (qw{thead}) {
print "<$section><tr><th>", $rowdiv == 1 ? '+' : '↱';
printf '<th>%0*X', $coldigits, $_ * $colsize for 0 .. $cols - 1;
print "\n";
print '<tbody>';
while ($offset <= $row->{endpoint} * $colsize) {
if ($row->{skip}->{$offset + $row->{offset}}) {
$offset += $cols * $colsize;
print '<tr><th>';
if (defined $row->{skip}->{$offset + $row->{offset}}) {
print '⋮';
else {
if (my $rowmod = $offset % $rowdiv) {
printf '<small>+%X</small>', $rowmod;
else {
printf '%X', ($offset + $row->{offset}) / $rowdiv;
say '';
for (1 .. $cols) {
if ($row->{cell}) {
print range_cell($row, $offset);
my $cp = $offset + $row->{offset};
my $glyph = ref $row->{table} eq 'ARRAY' ? $row->{table}->[$offset] :
substr $row->{table}, $offset, 1;
my ($cell, $name, $class) = !defined $glyph || $glyph eq $NOCHAR ? () :
if ($mode) {
state $visible = {};
$class = (
$cp == ord $glyph ? 'l4' :
$row->{parent} && $glyph eq
Encode::decode($row->{parent}, pack 'C', $cp) ? 'l3' :
!defined $cell ? undef :
$visible->{$glyph} ? 'l2' :
printf '<td title="%s"', $name;
say $class ? sprintf(' class="X %s">%s', $class, $cell) : '>';
continue {
$offset += $colsize;
say '</table></div>';
<div class="legend">
<table class="glyphs"><tr><: if ($mode) { :>
<td class="X l4">unicode
<td class="X l3">inherited
<td class="X l2">existing
<td class="X l1">original
<td class="">unassigned
<: } else { :>
<td class="X Cc">control
<td class="X Zs"><span>whitespace</span>
<td class="X Mn">diacritic<table class="glyphs"><tr>
<td class="X Sk">letter
<td class="X Po">punctuation<table class="glyphs"><tr>
<td class="X Pf">quote
<td class="X So">symbol<table class="glyphs"><tr>
<td class="X Sm">math
<td class="X Sc">currency
<td class="X No">numeric
<td class="X Greek">greek<table class="glyphs"><tr>
<td class="X Latin">latin
<td class="X Cyrillic">cyrillic
<td class="X Aramaic">aramaic<table class="glyphs"><tr>
<td class="X Brahmic">brahmic
<td class="X Arabic">arabic
<td class="X Syllabic">syllabic<table class="glyphs"><tr>
<td class="X African">african
<td class="X Hiragana">japanese
<td class="X Han">cjk
<td class="X Bopomofo">chinese
<td class="X Alpha">alphabetic
<table class="glyphs"><tr>
<td class="X">unicode 10.0
<td class="X Xr">proposed
<td class="X Xd">deprecated
<td class="">unassigned
<td class="X Xi">invalid
<: } :> </table>