title => 'country code cheat sheet',
version => '1.4',
description =>
"Table of ISO-3166-1 country codes with the names of reserved territories.",
keywords => [qw'country code cc tld cctld continent territory land table'],
data => ['data/countries.inc.pl'],
<h1>ISO-3166-1α2 Country codes</h1>
my $cc = Data('data/countries');
printf '<table class="ccmap">';
print '<col><colgroup span="26">';
for my $section (qw{thead}) {
print "<$section><tr><th>↳";
print '<th>', $_ for 'a' .. 'z';
print "\n";
print '<tbody>';
for my $row ('a' .. 'z') {
print '<tr><th>', $row;
for my $col ('a' .. 'z') {
my $code = $row . $col;
my $country = $cc->{$code} or do {
print $code =~ /^x|^q[m-z]|^aa|^zz/ ? '<td class="X Co">' : '<td>';
my ($name, $class, $short, $ref) = @$country;
$name .= " → $ref" if $ref;
$ref ||= $code;
my $cell;
if (exists $get{show}) {
sub showflag {
my ($cc) = @_;
my $img = "data/flag/$cc.png";
return -e $img &&
sprintf '<img src="/%s" alt="%s">', $img, $cc;
$cell = showflag($code) // join(' ',
map { showflag($_) || $_ } split(/ /, $ref)
else {
$cell = EscapeHTML($short || $name);
printf "\n".'<td class="%s" title="%s">%s',
$cell ? 'X '.$class : '', EscapeHTML("$code: $name"), $cell;
print "\n";
say '</table>';
<div class="legend">
<table class="glyphs"><tr>
<td class="X c-af">africa
<td class="X c-eu">europe
<td class="X c-as">asia
<td class="X c-an">antarctica
<td class="X c-oc">oceania
<td class="X c-sa">south america
<td class="X c-na">north america
<td class="X Xr">reserved
<td class="X Xi">org
<td class="">free
<td class="X Co">user-assigned
<div class="right">
<ul class="legend legend-set">
<em><:= exists $get{show} ? 'flag images' : 'english names' :></em><:=
!exists $get{show} && ' by default' :>
<li>default <strong>style</strong> is
<:= defined $get{style} && 'set to ' :><em><:= $style :></em>
<: exit unless exists $get{v}; :>
<script type="text/javascript">
const table = document.querySelector('.ccmap');
const label = Array.prototype.map.call(table.tHead.rows[0].children, i => i.textContent);
const flagchr = 0x1F1E5;
let nowidth;
for (let row = 0; row < label.length; row++) {
for (let col = 0; col < label.length; col++) {
let cell = table.rows[row].cells[col];
if (!cell.className) continue;
let flag = String.fromCodePoint(flagchr + row) + String.fromCodePoint(flagchr + col);
cell.innerHTML = `<big>${flag}</big> ` + cell.innerHTML;
if (nowidth === undefined) {
nowidth = cell.firstChild.offsetWidth;
if (cell.firstChild.offsetWidth == nowidth) {