$Request ||= 'altgr/windows';
my $mode = lc $Request;
my $include = "keyboard/$mode.eng";
if (-e (my $page = "keyboard/$Request/index.inc.plp")) {
Include $page;
my $info = eval { Data($include) } || {};
warn "error in $include: ", @{$@} if ref $@;
$mode = $info->{title} // $mode;
my $showkeys //= !exists $get{keys} ? undef :
($get{keys} ne '0' && ($get{keys} || 'always'));
my @keystyle = (
'<!--[if lte IE 6]><style> .help dl.legend dt {margin:0 0 1px} </style><![endif]-->',
'<!--[if lte IE 7]><style> .help dl.legend dd {float:none} </style><![endif]-->',
!$showkeys ? '<style> .no {visibility:hidden} </style>' :
$showkeys eq 'ghost' ? '<style> .no, .alias {opacity:.5} </style>' : (),
'<script type="text/javascript" src="/keys.js?1.6" async></script>',
title => "\L$mode\E keyboard cheat sheet",
version => $info->{version} || '0.1',
canonical => -e "$Request.plp" ? "/$Request" : undef,
description => $info->{description} //
["Keyboard cheat sheet for the default controls of $mode."],
keywords => [@{ $info->{keywords} // [] }, qw'
sheet cheat reference overview keyboard control commands shortkey
image => $info->{image},
data => ["$include.inc.pl"],
raw => \@keystyle,
%{$info} or Abort(
"Requested keyboard <q>$mode</q> not available",
'404 request not found',
say "<h1>$mode keyboard</h1>";
say "<p>$_</p>" for $info->{intro} // ();
say "<h2>", $info->{mode}->{''}, " (default)</h2>"
if $info->{mode} and %{ $info->{mode} } > 1;
use Shiar_Sheet::Keyboard 3.00;
my $keys = Shiar_Sheet::Keyboard->new($info);
$keys->map($get{map}) or undef $get{map};
$keys->print_rows($get{rows} || $info->{moderows}, $info->{rows});
say "<hr/>\n";
say '<div class="help">';
use List::MoreUtils qw( part );
my @gflags = part {/^g\d/} sort keys %{ $keys->{flag} };
say "\t", '<div class="left">';
$keys->print_legend('legend-types', $gflags[1]);
say "\t</div>\n";
say "\t", '<div class="right">';
$keys->print_legend('legend-options', $gflags[0]);
say '';
say "\t\t", '<ul class="legend legend-set">';
say "\t\t<li>keyboard <strong>map</strong> is ",
($get{map} ? 'set to ' : ''), "<em>$keys->{map}</em>";
say "\t\t<li><strong>keys</strong> are ",
"<em>", ($showkeys ? 'always shown' : 'hidden if unassigned'), "</em>",
(!defined $showkeys && ' by default');
say "\t\t<li>default <strong>style</strong> is ",
(defined $get{style} && 'set to '), "<em>$style</em>";
say "\t\t</ul>";
say "\t</div>\n";
say "</div>\n";