Source of latin.plp


	title => 'latin alphabet cheat sheet',
	version => '1.7',
	description => [
	keywords => [qw'
		latin roman alphabet script letter unicode font glyph abc
		code encoding spelling symbol writing comparison character
		secret cursive fraktur blind braille morse deaf asl hand
		barcode bar color semaphore flag
	data => [''],

	td svg {
		vertical-align: middle;
	svg path:not([fill]) {
		stroke: currentColor;
		fill: none;
	svg circle:not([fill]) {
		fill: currentColor;

	.sample {
		text-align: left;
		padding: 1px 0.3em;
	td.sample {
		width: auto;
	th {
		white-space: nowrap; /* prevent resize by sample */

<h1>Latin alphabet</h1>

<p id=intro>Variant encodings of the common ASCII (latin, roman,
or <span title="fuck yeah!">'mercan</span>) letters A–Z.
Also see <a href="/writing">related alphabets</a>
and <a href="/chars/abc">font comparison</a>.</p>

my $table = Data('writing-latn');
	say '<div>';
	say '<style>';
	while (my ($id, $info) = each %$table) {
		ref $info eq 'HASH' or next;
		my $style = $info->{style} or next;
		ref $style or $style = [$style];
		say "\t", !/^@/ && "#$id ", $_ for @{$style};
	say "</style>\n";

my %VOWELCOLS = (map { ($_ => 1) } 0, 4, 8, 14, 20, 24);
say '<table class="glyphs">';
say '<thead>';
say '</thead>';
say "</table></div>";

sub printtr {
	for my $id (@_) {
		my $info = $table->{$id};

		if (ref $info eq 'ARRAY') {

		printf '<tr id="%s">', $id;
		my $th = 'th';
		$th .= sprintf ' title="%s"', $_ for $info->{title} || ();
		say "<$th>", $info->{name} // ucfirst $id;

		my $colspan = 1;
		my $col = 0;
		for (@{ $info->{list} }) {
			if ($_ eq '>') {
			my @class;
			push @class ,'l0' if $VOWELCOLS{$col - $colspan};
			push @class, $_ ? 'ex' : 'u-invalid' if s/^-//;

			print "\t<td";
			if ($col > 26) {
				# special character for sample generation
				print ' hidden';  # sample only
			else {
				print ' title=', chr($col + ord('A') - $colspan);
			if ($colspan > 1) {
				print " colspan=$colspan";
				$colspan = 1;
			printf ' class="%s"', "@class" if @class;
			print '>';

<script type="text/javascript" src="/latinsample.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript"><!--