Source of perl.plp


	title => 'perl version cheat sheet',
	version => '1.11',
	keywords => [qw'
		perl version feature features comparison
		sheet cheat overview summary
	image => 'data/camels.jpg',
	data => [''],

use experimental 'signatures';
<h1>Perl release summary</h1>

<p>The most significant features introduced for recent versions of the Perl
scripting language.
my $info = Data('perl');

use feature 'signatures';
sub vname ($v) {
	return sprintf 'v%d%03d', unpack 'C*', $v;
sub linkversion ($v) {
	return showlink(sprintf('%vd', $v), '#'.vname($v));

eval {
	use List::Util 'first';
	use Time::Piece;
	use Time::Seconds;

	my $now = Time::Piece->new;
	if (my $ts = $get{at}) {
		$now = $now->strptime($ts, '%Y-%m-%d');
		say "Compatibility details emulated for <em>$ts</em>.";
	my $ts = $now->strftime('%F');
	my @versions = sort grep { $info->{$_}{release} le $ts } keys %{$info};

	# perlpolicy: «We "officially" support the two most recent stable release
	# series. [...] we will attempt to fix critical issues»
	$info->{ $versions[-2] }{versum} //= "active core support";
	$info->{ $versions[-1] }{versum} //= "latest stable release";

	# perlpolicy: «we will attempt to fix critical issues in the two most
	# recent stable 5.x release series»
	my $coreeol = ($now - ONE_YEAR * 3)->strftime('%F');
	my $vcore = first { $info->{$_}{release} ge $coreeol } @versions;
	print "<p>Core security support is provided for 3 years";
	print ", so typical users should run at least ", linkversion($_)
		for $vcore // ();
	say '.';
	$info->{$vcore}{versum} //= "official security patches";

	# «We encourage vendors to ship the most recent supported release of Perl
	# at the time of their code freeze»
	# assume debian ships after 1 year, and expires after 5 years LTS
	my $vendoreol = ($now - ONE_YEAR * 6)->strftime('%F');
	my $vdebian = first {
		$info->{$_}{release} ge $vendoreol && $info->{$_}{distro}{debian}
	} @versions;
	say sprintf "Stable distributions such as Debian %s maintain %s+.",
		$info->{$_}{distro}{debian}, linkversion($_) for $vdebian // ();
	$info->{$vdebian}{versum} //= "still maintained by common vendors";

	# extended support given at random
	my $nowcmp = $now->strftime('%F');
	my $vdino = first { $info->{$_}{support} ge $nowcmp } @versions;
	say "Enterprise platforms retain versions up to $_."
		for map { linkversion($_) } $vdino // ();
	return 1;
} or Alert('Missing version recommendations', $@);
say '</p>';

for my $vernum (reverse sort keys %{$info}) {
	my $verrow = $info->{$vernum};
	defined $verrow->{unstable} and next unless exists $get{v};

	say sprintf '<div class="section" id="%s">', vname($vernum);
	my $title = $verrow->{release} // '?';
	$title .= ": $_" for $verrow->{versum} // ();
	say sprintf '<h2>%vd <small>%s</small></h2>', $vernum, $title;
	say '<dl>';
	for (@{ $verrow->{new} }) {
		my ($topic, $desc, $attr) = @{$_};
		$desc .= featattrs($attr);
		my $ref = defined $attr->{name} && sprintf ' id="%s"', $attr->{name};
		say sprintf '<dt%s>%s<dd>%s', $ref, $topic, $desc || '<br/>';
	if (my $mods = $verrow->{modules}) {
		for (@{$mods}) {
			my ($name, $desc, $attr) = @{$_};
			my $ref = lc $name =~ s/::/_/gr;
			$desc .= featattrs($attr);
			printf '<dt id="%s"><code>use %s</code>', $ref, $name;
			say '<dd>', $desc;
	say sprintf '<dt>Unicode</dt><dd>v%s', $_ for $verrow->{unicode} || ();
	say '</dl>';
	say "</div>\n";

sub featattrs ($attr) {
	$attr or return '';
	ref $attr or $attr = {eg => $attr};
	my $title;
	if (defined $attr->{experimental}) {
		$title = 'experimental';
	if (defined $attr->{dropped}) {
		no warnings 'exiting';
		next unless exists $get{v}; # skip containing feature
		$title = sprintf 'removed in %vd', $_ for $attr->{dropped} || ();
	elsif ($attr->{stable}) {
		$title .= sprintf ' until %vd', $attr->{stable};
	if ($attr->{experimental}) {
		$title = sprintf '<span title="experimental::%s">%s</span>',
			$attr->{experimental}, $title;
		$attr->{name} //= $attr->{experimental};
	if ($attr->{feature}) {
		my $prefix = sprintf '<span title="%s">feature</span>',
		$title = join ', ', $prefix, $title // ();
		$attr->{name} //= $attr->{feature};
	if (defined $attr->{bundle}) {
		if ($attr->{stable} and !$attr->{bundle}) {
			$title .= ' then bundled';
		else {
			my $v = 'bundled';
			$v .= ' in ' . join(' and ',
				# specific version(s) distinct from stable or current
				map { sprintf '%vd', $_ }
				map { ref eq 'ARRAY' ? @{$_} : $_ } $_
			) for $attr->{bundle} || ();
			$title = join ', ', $title // (), $v;
	$title = $title ? sprintf ' <em class="ex">(%s)</em>', $title : '';

	if (my $eg = $attr->{eg}) {
		my $pre = Entity($eg);
		$pre =~ s<\N{ZERO WIDTH SPACE}>{</code><wbr/><code>}g;
		$pre = " <small>{<code>$pre</code>}</small>";
		$title = $pre . $title;
	return $title;