Source of tools/mktermcol-xcolor

#!/usr/bin/env perl
use 5.014;
use warnings;
use lib $0 =~ s{[^/]+$}{..}r; # project root
use Shiar_Sheet::Colour 1.05;

say "# automatically generated by $0";
say 'use strict;';
say '+{';
my @names;
my %seen;

for my $path (@ARGV) {
	open my $theme, '<', $path or do {
		warn "could not open $path: $!\n";
	(my $name = $path) =~ s{.*/}{};  # basename

	my (%pal, @pal);
	while (readline $theme) {
			(?: (foreground | background) | color(\d+) ) \h* : \h*
			(?: \#(\S+) | rgb:(\S+) )
		}x or next;
		my ($name, $idx, $val) = ($1, $2, uc $+);
		$name or $idx < 16 or next;
		$val =~ s/[^0-9A-F]//g;
		($name ? $pal{$name} : $pal[$idx]) = $val;

	my $huesum = 0;
	for my $hue (
		sort map { $_->hue }
		grep { ($_->hsv)[1] > 32 }  # ignore unsaturated
		map { Shiar_Sheet::Colour->new($_) }
	) {
		state $lasthue;
		$huesum += abs($lasthue - $hue) > .02 if defined $lasthue;
		$lasthue = $hue;
	$huesum > 3 or next;  # require number of significant hue changes
	#TODO tweak to include good-pants, exclude cheesecake-*

	if ($seen{"@pal"}++) {
		warn "ignore duplicate palette $name\n";

	splice @pal, 8 if "@pal[0..7]" eq "@pal[8..15]";

	say qq("$name" => {);
	say qq(\ttitle => '$name',);
	say qq(\tparent => 'cga',);
	say qq(\tlist => [qw(@pal)],);
	say qq(\t$_ => '$pal{$_}',) for keys %pal;
	say qq(},);
	push @names, $name;

say 'xcolor => [', join(', ', map {"'$_'"} @names), '],';
say '}';