US option keyboard

Resulting selection of Unicode characters while pressing ⌥ Option (Alt) with Apple's US (or US International) layout on macOS. An alternative ABC Extended is also available. Different from AltGr on Windows.

mode : numeric row shift ~ ` !@#$%^&* ° ( · )_+ ±
mode : numeric row ` ◌̀ 1 ¡ 23 £ 4 ¢ 56 § 789 ª 0 º -=
mode : top row shift Q Œ WE ´ RT ˇ Y Á U ¨ I ˆ O Ø P{}
mode : top row q œ we ◌́ r ® ty ¥ u ◌̈ i ◌̂ o ø p π []
mode : home row shift A Å S Í D Î F Ï G ˝ H Ó J Ô KL Ò : Ú " Æ | »
mode : home row a å s ß df ƒ g © h ˙ jk ˚ l ¬ ;' æ \ «
mode : bottom row shift Z ¸ X ˛ C Ç VB ı N ˜ M Â < ¯ > ˘ ? ¿
mode : bottom row z Ω xc ç vbn ◌̃ m µ ,./ ÷

decomposes to the original letter with a combining accent
transliterates (mostly) into the unmodified letter
a different (accented) latin letter
other character not directly deducible from key
(punctuation) mark
modifier letter or mark (spacing diacritic)
diacritical mark to be combined with a following character