Unicode semigraphics keyboard

Keyboard mode to manually draw character graphics. Inspired by MSX graph mode, but reimagined for modern Unicode coverage. Freely available as xorg symbols export.

mode : numeric row shift meta +~ +!+@+#+$+%+^+& 🮬 +* 🮖 +( 🮭 +)+_++
mode : numeric row meta +` +1+2+3+4+5+6+7 🮫 +8 🮕 +9 🮪 +0 +-+=
mode : numeric row shift ~ !@#$%^&* 🮚 ()_+
mode : numeric row ` 1234567890 -=
mode : top row shift meta +Q+W+E+R+T+Y+U 🮣 +I 🮦 +O 🮢 +P 🮨 +{ 🮗 +} 🮩
mode : top row meta +q+w+e+r+t+y+u+i+o+p 🮙 +[+] 🮘
mode : top row shift QWERTYUI 🭯 OP{}
mode : top row qwertyuiop[]
mode : home row shift meta +A+S+D+F+G+H+J 🮥 +K 🮮 +L 🮤 +: 🮊 +"+|
mode : home row meta +a+s+d+f+g+h+j+k 🮯 +l+; 🮇 +'+\
mode : home row shift ASDFGHJ 🭮 K 🮛 L 🭬 :"|
mode : home row asdfghjkl;'\ ·
mode : bottom row shift meta +Z+X+C+V+B+N+M 🮡 +< 🮧 +> 🮠 +? 🮅
mode : bottom row meta +z+x+c+v+b+n+m+,+.+/ 🮂
mode : bottom row shift ZXCVBNM< 🭭 >?
mode : bottom row zxcvbnm,./

shared international repetoire in most DOS code pages
extended graphics presentations of control characters in cp437 ea
ANSI art drawing glyphs in English code page 437 (OEM-US)
gathered in the original Unicode release in 1993
later additions accumulated within a decade, mostly Unicode 3.2
exceptional symbols for legacy computing in Unicode since 2020