Perl release summary

The most significant features introduced for recent versions of the Perl scripting language.

Core security support is provided for 3 years, so typical users should run at least 5.36. Stable distributions such as Debian 11 maintain 5.32+. Enterprise platforms retain versions up to 5.10.

5.40 2024-06-09: latest stable release

use v5.40
import builtin functions and enable the try feature
keyword to reference to the current class name, similar to __PACKAGE__ (feature)
attribute for field variables to create corresponding accessor methods (feature)
higher precedence logical xor operator, as || is to or
builtin::inf, builtin::nan
constants equivalent to special floating point values infinity and Not a Number
use Test2::Suite
comprehensive set of test tools for writing unit tests, providing a drop in replacement to Test::More

5.38 2023-07-02: active core support

use feature "module_true"
packages implicitly return true, enabled along with no feature "bareword_filehandles" (bundled)
sub ($var ||= default)
assign values when false (or undefined on //=) instead of omitted
/(*{ … })/
optimistic eval: (?{ … }) with regex optimisations enabled
define object classes: packages with field variables and method subroutines (feature, experimental)
explicit variable to access the previous match as in s//…/
perform tasks require__before and require__after when calling require

5.36 2022-05-28: official security patches

use v5.36
use warnings; use feature qw'signatures isa'; no feature qw'indirect multidimensional switch'
use builtin
namespace for interpreter functions, such as weaken and blessed from Scalar::Util, ceil/floor from POSIX, and trim like String::Util (experimental until 5.40 then bundled)
distinguish scalar variable types (by builtin functions) for data interoperability
for my ($k, $v) (%hash)
iterate over multiple values at a time (including builtin::indexed for arrays) (feature, experimental until 5.40)
defer {}
queue code to be executed when going out of scope (feature, experimental)
try {} finally {}
run code at the end of a try construct regardless of failure (feature, experimental)
unicode delimiters for quoting operators (experimental)
sub ($var) {!pop}
signatured subs are stable, but mixing with the arguments array @_ remains experimental (feature, experimental)
floating-point exceptions no longer deferred but delivered immediately like other signals
perl -g
disable input record separator (slurp mode), alias for -0777

5.34 2021-05-20

try {} catch
exception handling similar to eval blocks (feature, experimental until 5.40 then bundled)
empty lower bound quantifier is accepted as shorthand for 0
\x{ … }
insignificant space within curly braces, also for \b{}, \g{}, \k{}, \N{}, \o{} as well as /{m,n}/ quantifiers
octal prefix 0o alternative to 0… and oct
debug regular expression optimization information discovered at compile time
no feature …
disable discouraged practices of multidimensional and bareword_filehandles array emulation (bundled in 5.36 and 5.38)

5.32 2020-06-20: still maintained by common vendors

infix operator to check class instance (feature, experimental until 5.36 then bundled)
$min < $_ <= $max
chained comparison repeats inner part as $min < $_ and $_ <= $max
match Unicode Name property like \N{} but with interpolation and subpatterns
open F, '+>>', undef
respect append mode on temporary files with mixed access
no feature 'indirect'
disable indirect object notation such as new Class instead of Class->new (bundled in 5.36)
program distributed with core IO::Compress::Base to compress stdin into a zip container

5.30 2019-05-22

variable length lookbehind assertions (experimental until 5.36)
match unicode properties by regular expressions (experimental)
my $state if 0
workaround for state (deprecated since v5.10!) is now prohibited
Delimiters must be graphemes; unescaped { illegal; \N in single quotes

5.28 2018-06-22

delete %hash{…}
hash slices can be deleted with key+value pairs
alphabetic synonyms for assertions, e.g. (*atomic:…) for (?>…) and (*nlb:…) for (?<!…) (experimental until 5.31.6)
enforces all characters to be from the same script (experimental until 5.31.6)
state @a
persistent lexical array or hash variables (in addition to scalars)
perl -i -pe die
safe in-place editing: files are replaced only after successful completion
locales are thread-safe on supported systems, indicated by this variable

5.26 2017-05-30

use lib '.'
current directory no longer included in default module search path @INC
indented here-docs, strips same whitespace before delimiter in each line
array of last match's captures, so ${^CAPTURE}[0] is $1
extended modifier to also ignore whitespace in bracketed character classes
use Test2::V0
generic testing framework to replace Test::* and TAP::*

5.24 2016-05-09

printf '%.*2$x'
reordered precision arguments
line break boundary type (position suitable for hyphenation)
various significant speedups, notably matching fixed substrings, /i on caseless languages, 64-bit arithmetic, scope overhead

5.22 2015-06-01

\$alias =
aliasing via reference (scoped as of v5.25.3) (experimental)
safe readline ignoring open flags in arguments
flag to disable numbered capturing, turning () into (?:)
boundary types: gcb (grapheme cluster), sb (sentence), wb (word)
& | ^ ~ consistently numeric, dotted operators for strings (feature, experimental until 5.28 then bundled)
use re 'strict'
apply stricter syntax rules to regular expression patterns (experimental)
hexadecimal floating point notation with binary power; printf '%a' to display
single match shorthand (deprecated since v5.14) requires the operator m?PATTERN?
use CGI
deprecated interface for serving http requests removed from core, see CGI::Alternatives

5.20 2014-05-27: extended vendor support 202X

sub ($var)
subroutine signatures (feature, experimental until 5.36 then bundled)
hash slices return key+value pairs
postfix dereferencing (also e.g. $scalar->$* for $$scalar) (feature, experimental until 5.24 then bundled)
use warnings 'once'; $a
variables $a and $b are exempt from used once warnings

5.18 2013-05-18

hash overhaul; order is randomised instead of being semi-repeatable {each %{{%hash}} ne each %{{%hash}}}
last read filehandle (used by $.)
/(?[ a + b ])/
regex set operations (character subtraction -, union +, intersection &, xor ^) (experimental until 5.36)
my sub
lexical subroutines (also state, our); buggy before v5.22 (experimental until 5.26)
next $expression
loop controls allow runtime expressions
no warnings 'experimental::…'
mechanism for experimental features, as of now required for smartmatch

5.16 2012-05-20

current subroutine reference (feature, bundled)
fc, "\F"
unicode foldcase to compare case-insensitively (feature, bundled)
automatic use charnames qw( :full :short )

5.14 2011-05-14

non-destructive substitution
/(?{ m() })/
regular expressions can be nested in /(?{})/ and /(??{})/ (experimental until 5.20)
regexp modifiers to restrict character classes: either default, ascii, locale, or unicode semantics.
use re '/flags'
customise default modifiers
construct to reset to default modifiers
filehandle method calls load IO::File on demand (eg. STDOUT->flush)
escape sequence for octal values beyond 0777
package {}
package declaration in scope of code block only
multiple: labels:
statement labels allowed in all places, even before other labels
use JSON
interface with data in JavaScript Object Notation {decode_json <>}

5.12 2010-04-12

package version
package NAME VERSION shorthand for our $VERSION
yada-yada operator: code placeholder
use 5.012
implicit strict if use VERSION >= v5.12
… when
when is now allowed to be used as a statement modifier
use overload 'qr'
customisable conversion to regular expressions
inverse \n to match any character except newline regardless of /s (experimental until 5.18)

5.10 2007-12-18: supported commercially until 2024

use v5.10
minimal perl version with bundled features (pragma to lexically enable backwards-incompatible syntax)
defined-or operator
smart-match operator to compare different data types (updated in v5.10.1) (experimental)
print with newline, equivalent to print @_, "\n" (feature, bundled)
switch statement to smart-match with when/default (feature, experimental, bundled)
named capture buffers into %+
recursive regular expression patterns
resets capture numbering for each contained branch
possessive quantifiers ?+, *+, ++ to match greedily
floating positive lookbehind, efficient alternative for s/(keep)/$1/
optionally preserve ${^MATCH} variables (avoiding $& penalty until COW in v5.20)
/\v/, /\h/
vertical and horizontal whitespace escapes (\V \H to invert); also /\R/ for newlines
persistent my variables (scalars only until 5.28) (feature, bundled)
use autodie
replace builtin functions to throw exceptions instead of returning failure {eval {open ...} or $@->matches("open") || die}
use IO::Compress::Zip
various file compression standards {zip IO::Uncompress::Gunzip->new("test.gz") => ""}
use Time::Piece
timestamps as objects {localtime->year > 1900}
use File::Fetch
generic data retrieval/download {File::Fetch->new(uri => "http://localhost/")->fetch(to => \$slurp)}

5.8 2002-07-18: stable minimum upto 2021

no utf8
full unicode support, utf8 pragma only for script encoding
use open
file handle behaviour altered by PerlIO layers {binmode $fh, ":bytes"}
open $fh, '-|', @cmd
open list to fork a command without spawning a shell
open $fh, '>', \$var
perl scalars as virtual files
printf '%1$s', @args
syntax to use parameters out of order
1_2_3 == 123
underscores between digits allowed in numeric constants
use bignum
transparent big number support {length 1e100 == 101}
use if
conditional module inclusion {no if $] >= 5.022, "warnings", "redundant"}
use Digest
calculate various message digests (data hashes) {$hash = sha256_hex($data)}
use Encode
character set conversion {encode("utf8", decode("iso-8859-1", $octets))}
use File::Temp
create a temporary file or directory safely {$fh = tempfile();}
use List::Util
general-utility list subroutines {@cards = shuffle 0..51}
use Locale::Maketext
various localization and internationalization in Locale::* and L18N::*
use Memoize
remember function results, trading space for time {memoize "stat"}
use MIME::Base64
base64 encoded strings as in email attachments
use Test::More
modern framework for unit testing {is $got, $expected}
use Time::HiRes
high resolution timers {$μs = [gettimeofday]; sleep .1; $elapsed = tv_interval $μs}

5.6 2000-03-23: start of modern compatibility

use warnings
pragma to enable warnings in lexical scope
use utf8
experimental unicode semantics (completed in v5.8) (experimental until 5.8)
use charnames
string escape \N{} to insert named character
declare global variables
represent strings as vector of ordinals, useful in version numbers (printf '%vd' to display)
binary numbers in literals, printf '%b', and oct
sub :lvalue
subroutine attribute to return a modifiable value (experimental until 5.20)
open my $fh, $mode, $expr
file handles in scoped scalars, third argument for unambiguous file name
pack 'q'
64-bit integer support (also large files >2GiB) (experimental until 5.8.1)
sort $coderef ()
comparison function can be a subroutine reference; prototype ($$) to pass elements as normal @_
special block called at end of compilation
POSIX character class syntax such as /[[:alpha:]]/