Source of sample.plp


my $textinc = 'sample.txt';

	title => "unicode sampler",
	version => '2.1',
	stylesheet => [qw'light dark mono red'],
	data => [$textinc],
	image => 'sample.png',

open my $source, '<', $textinc
	or Abort("Could not open text at $textinc", 501, $!);
local $/ = "\n\n";

my $top = readline $source;
my ($title, $hr, $intro) = split /\n(\pP)\1+\n/, $top, 2;
say "<h1>$title</h1>";
say <<".";
<p>HTML display of <a href="/$textinc">plain text</a>
intended for monospaced (terminal) output.
Compare an expected rendering of the <a href="/sample.png">overview</a>.

say '<pre>';
print $intro;

while (my $p = readline $source) {
	$p =~ s{ \A ((\pL+) \N*:) \n }{<h2 id="\L$2\E">$1</h2>}x;
	if ($2 eq 'Unicode') {
		# table without proper direction control
		$p =~ s/^(?= )/\x{202d}/gm; # ltr override every line
	$p =~ s{(?<=^  )([\p{Latin} ]+:)}{<em>$1</em>}gm;
	print $p;

say "</pre>\n";