<(common.inc.plp)><: Html({ title => 'digit characters sheet', version => '1.0', description => [ "Unicode glyphs of numbers 0 to 10 in various scripts.", ], keywords => [qw( numeral numerical digit number counting decimal script glyph unicode writing comparison list character history sample test language multilingual )], data => [qw'writing-digits.inc.pl'], raw => <<'EOT', <style> th:first-child { min-width: 10em } </style> EOT }); :> <h1>Numerals</h1> <p>Digits and numbers counting up to ten in various <a href="/writing">writing systems</a>.</p> <div> <: use Shiar_Sheet::FormatChar 1.08; my $glyphs = Shiar_Sheet::FormatChar->new; unless (exists $get{v}) { $glyphs->{unicode}--; $glyphs->{anno} = []; $glyphs->{style} = 'univer'; } my $scriptname = eval { Data('writing-script') }; $_ = showlink($_, "/latin") for $scriptname->{latn} || (); my $table = Data("writing-digits"); sub printtable { say '<div class=section>', $glyphs->tabletag; for my $id (@_) { my $info = $table->{$id}; my $title = $info->{title} // $scriptname->{$id} || $id; print $glyphs->row([ ".>$title", @{$info->{list}} ]); } say '</table></div>'; } printtable(@{ $table->{$_} }) for @{ $table->{default} }; say "</div>\n"; say for '<hr/>', $glyphs->legend;